Shapefile extractor

The ESRI Shapefile format was developed by Esri (Environmental Systems Research Institute) for interoperability between Geographic Information Systems (GIS). An ESRI Shapefile is a ZIP with six files in it (file name extension

Currently only one of the file in a Shapefile ZIP file is supported: the .shp file.

Basic usage

The Shapefile extractor is imported in the following way:

import { fromShapefile, Source } from '@triplyetl/etl/generic'

The following code snippet extracts records from a local Shapefile:


The following code snippet extracts records from a Shapefile that is stored as a TriplyDB Asset:

    { name: 'example.shp' }

Record representation

The following example record is obtained from a file called nl_1km.shp that is published by the European Environment Agency:

  '$recordId': 1,
  '$environment': 'Development',
  '$fileName': 'nl_1km.shp',    
  type: 'Feature',
  properties: {
    CELLCODE: '1kmE3793N3217',
    EOFORIGIN: 3793000,       
    NOFORIGIN: 3217000        
  geometry: {
    type: 'Polygon',
    coordinates: [
        [ 3793000, 3217000 ],
        [ 3793000, 3218000 ],
        [ 3794000, 3218000 ],
        [ 3794000, 3217000 ],
        [ 3793000, 3217000 ]