
Instances of class User denote users in TriplyDB.

Obtaining instances

Users are obtained with method App.getUser(name?: string):

const user = triply.getUser('john-doe')
const user = triply.getUser()

Alternatively, users are obtained by first obtaining an account (App.getAccount(name?: string)) and then casting it to a use (Account.asUser()):

const account = await triply.getAccount('john-doe')
const user = account.asUser()


User is a subclass of Account, from which it inherits most of its methods.


Users cannot be created or deleted through the TriplyDB.js library. See the Triply Console documentation for how to create and delete users through the web-based GUI.

User.addDataset(name: string, metadata?: object)

Adds a new TriplyDB dataset with the given name to the current account.

Inherited from Account.addDataset(name: string, metadata?: object).

User.addQuery(metadata: object)

Adds a new TriplyDB query to the current user.

Inherited from Account.addQuery(name:string, metadata: object).

User.ensureStory(name: string, metadata: object)

Ensures the existence of a story with the given name and with the specified metadata.

Inherited from Account.ensureStory(name: string, metadata: object).

User.addStory(name: string, metadata?: object)

Adds a new TriplyDB story with the given name to the current user.

Inherited from Account.addStory(name: string, metadata?: object).

User.createOrganization(name: string, metadata?: object)

Creates a new organization for which this user will be the owner.

Access restrictions

This method requires an API token with write access for this user.


  • Argument name is the URL-friendly name of the new organization. This name can only contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens ([A-Za-z0-9\-]).

  • The optional metadata argument can be used to specify additional metadata. This is a dictionary object with the following optional keys:

The description of the organization. This description can make use of Markdown.
The email address at which the organization can be reached.
The human-readable name of the organization. This name may contain spaces and other non-alphanumeric characters.


The following snippet creates a new organization for which John Doe will be the owner. Notice that both a required URL-friendly name ('my-organization') and an optional display name ('My Organization') are specified.

const user = await triply.getUser('john-doe')
await user.createOrganization(my-organization, {name: 'My Organization'}))

User.ensureDataset(name: string, metadata?: object)

Ensures the existence of a dataset with the given name and with the specified metadata.

Inherited from Account.ensureDataset(name: string, metadata?: object).

User.getDataset(name: string)

Returns the TriplyDB dataset with the given name that is published by this user.

Inherited from Account.getDataset(name: string).


Returns an async iterator over the accessible datasets for the current user.

Inherited from Account.getDatasets().


Returns information about this user.

Information is returned in a dictionary object. Individual keys can be accessed for specific information values.

The information object for users includes the following keys:

A URL to the user image.
The URL-friendly name of the user.
The human-readable display name of the user
The human-readable description of the user.
The date and time on which the user was created.
The number of datasets for the user.
The number of queries for the user.
The number of stories for the user
An array containing the pinned items (datasets, stories and queries) for the user.
The role of the user. Either 'light', 'regular' or 'siteAdmin'.
An array of organizations of which the user is a member.
Email address
The email address of the user.
The date and time on which the user was last updated.
The date and time on which the user was last online on TriplyDB.


The following snippet prints an overview of account that is associated with the used API token:

const user = await triply.getUser()
console.log(await user.getInfo())


Returns an async iterator over the organizations that this user is a member of.

Order considerations

The order in the list reflects the order in which the organizations appear on the user page in the Triply GUI.


The following snippet prints the list of organizations that John Doe is a member of:

const user = await triply.getUser('john-doe')
for await (const organization of await user.getOrganizations()) {
  console.log((await organization.getInfo()).name)

See also

The async iterator contains organization objects. See the section about the Organization class for methods that can be used on such objects.


Returns the list of datasets, stories and queries that are pinned for the current user.

Inherited from Account.getPinnedItems().

User.setAvatar(file: string)

Sets a new image that characterized this user.

Inherited from Account.setAvatar(file: string).

User.update(metadata: object)

Updates the metadata for this user.

Inherited from Account.update(metadata: object).