RATT Term Assertion

This page documents RATT functions that are used to create RDF terms. These RDF terms are used in statement assertions.

The term assertion functions are imported in the following way:

import { iri, iris, literal, literals, str } from '@triplyetl/etl/ratt'

Iri() constructor

Creates static IRIs.


The signature of this constructor is as follows:

Iri(string): Iri


  • string is a string that encodes an absolute IRI.

Once an IRI object is constructed, the concat() member function can be used to create new IRIs according to the following signature:

Iri.concat(string): Iri

Example: IRI declaration

The following code snippet creates a static IRI by using the Iri() constructor:

const subject = Iri('https://example.com/123')

  triple(subject, a, sdo.Product),

Example: in-line IRI

It is also possible to add the static IRI in-line, without declaring a constant:

  triple(Iri('https://example.com/123'), a, sdo.Product),

Example: IRI concatenation

The following code snippet uses a static IRI that is created by applying the concat() member function

const prefix = Iri('https://example.com/')

  triple(prefix.concat('123'), a, sdo.Product),

iri() function

Creates a static or dynamic IRI that can be used in statement assertions.

Notice that this function is more powerful than the Iri() constructor, which can only create static


This function has the following signature:

iri(fullIri)           // 1
iri(prefix, localName) // 2

Signature 1 is used to explicitly cast a strings that encodes an absolute IRI to an IRI.

Signature 2 is used to create IRIs based on an IRI prefix and multiple local names.


  • fullIri is either a key that contains a dynamic string that encodes an absolute IRI, or a static string that encodes an absolute IRI.
  • prefix is an IRI prefix that is declared with the Iri() constructor.
  • localName is ither a key that contains a dynamic string, or a static string. This string is used as the local name of the IRI. The local name is suffixed to the given IRI prefix.

Example: explicit cast to IRI

The following code snippets casts strings that encode IRIs in the source data to subject and object IRIs that are used in triple assertions:

  { url: 'https://example.com/id/person/Jane' },
  { url: 'https://example.com/id/person/John' },
triple(iri('url'), owl:sameAs, iri('url')),

This results in the following linked data:

<https://example.com/id/person/Jane> owl:sameAs <https://example.com/id/person/Jane>.
<https://example.com/id/person/John> owl:sameAs <https://example.com/id/person/John>.

Notice that the use of iri() it is not required in the subject position, but is required in the object position. The following code snippet results in the same linked data, but uses an implicit cast for the subject term:

  { url: 'https://example.com/id/person/Jane' },
  { url: 'https://example.com/id/person/John' },
triple('url', owl:sameAs, iri('url')),

See the section on automatic casts for more information.

Example: dynamic IRI

The following code snippet asserts an IRI based on a declared prefix (prefix.ex) and the string stored in key ('firstName'):

fromJson([{ firstName: 'Jane' }, { firstName: 'John' }]),
triple(iri(prefix.person, 'fistName'), a, sdo.Person),

This creates a dynamic IRI. This means that the asserted IRI depends on the content of the 'firstName' key in each record. For the first record, IRI person:Jane is created. For the second record, IRI person:John is created.

Example: static IRI

The following asserts an IRI based on a declared prefix (prefix.ex) and a static string (see function str()):

triple(iri(prefix.person, str('John')), a, sdo.Person),

This creates a static IRI. This means that the same IRI is used for each record (always person:John).

Notice that the same triple assertion can be made by using the Iri() instead of the iri() function:

triple(prefix.person.concat('John'), a, sdo.Person),

See also

If the same IRI is used in multiple statements, repeating the same assertion multiple times may impose a maintenance burden. In such cases, it is possible to first add the IRI to the record by using the addIri() function, and refer to that one IRI in multiple statement assertions.

Use function iris() to create multiple IRIs at once.


Creates multiple dynamic or static IRIs, one for each entry in an array of strings.


This function has the following signature:

iris(fullIris)           // 1
iris(prefix, localNames) // 2

Signature 1 is used to explicitly cast strings that encode IRIs to IRIs.

Signature 2 is used to create an IRI based on an IRI prefix and a local name.


  • fullIri is either a key that contains a dynamic string that encodes an absolute IRI, or a static string that encodes an absolute IRI.
  • prefix is an IRI prefix that is declared with the Iri() constructor.
  • localNames is either a key that contains an array of strings, or an array of keys that store dynamic strings and static strings. These string are used as the local names of the IRIs that are created. These local names are suffixed to the given IRI prefix.


The following code snippet asserts one IRI for each entry in record key 'children':

fromJson([{ parent: 'John', children: ['Joe', 'Jane'] }]),
triple(iri(prefix.person, 'parent'), sdo.children, iris(prefix.person, 'children')),

This makes the following linked data assertions:

person:John sdo:children person:Joe, person:Jane.

Or diagrammatically:

graph LR john -- sdo:children --> joe john -- sdo:children --> jane john[person:John]:::data joe[person:Joe]:::data jane[person:Jane]:::data classDef data fill:yellow


Creates an RDF collection or singly-linked list (class rdf:List).

See the Triply Data Story about collections for more information.


This function has the following signature:

list(prefix, terms)


  • prefix is an IRI prefix that is declared with the Iri() constructor.
  • terms is an array of dynamic and/or static terms.

Example: fruit basket

The following code snippet creates linked lists (linked by rdf:rest), where each value stored in the 'contents' key is rdf:first object:

fromJson([{ id: 123, contents: ['apple', 'pear', 'banana'] }]),
triple(iri(prefix.basket, 'id'), def.contains, list(prefix.basket, literals('contents', lang.en))),

This results in the following linked data:

basket:123 def:contains ( 'apple'@en 'pear'@en 'banana'@en ).

When we do not make use of the collection notation ( ... ), the asserted linked data looks as follows:

basket:123 def:contains _:list1.
  rdf:first 'apple'@en;
  rdf:rest _:list2.
  rdf:first 'pear'@en;
  rdf:rest _:list3.
  rdf:first 'banana'@en;
  rdf:rest rdf:nil.

Or diagrammatically:

graph LR basket -- def:contains --> list1 list1 -- rdf:first --> apple list1 -- rdf:rest --> list2 list2 -- rdf:first --> pear list2 -- rdf:rest --> list3 list3 -- rdf:first --> banana list3 -- rdf:rest --> rdf:nil apple["'apple'@en"]:::data list1[_:list1]:::data list2[_:list2]:::data list3[_:list3]:::data banana["'banana'@en"]:::data basket[basket:123]:::data pear["'pear'@en"]:::data classDef data fill:yellow

Example: children

The following code snippet creates linked lists for the children of every parent:

fromJson([{ parent: 'John', children: ['Joe', 'Jane'] }]),
triple(iri(prefix.person, 'parent'), sdo.children, list(prefix.skolem, iris(prefix.person, 'children'))),

This results in the following linked data:

person:John sdo:children _:list1.
  rdf:first person:Joe;
  rdf:rest _:list2.
  rdf:first person:Jane;
  rdf:rest rdf:nil.

Or diagrammatically:

graph LR john -- sdo:children --> list1 list1 -- rdf:first --> joe list1 -- rdf:rest --> list2 list2 -- rdf:first --> jane list2 -- rdf:rest --> rdf:nil list1[_:list1]:::data list2[_:list2]:::data john[person:John]:::data joe[person:Joe]:::data jane[person:Jane]:::data classDef data fill:yellow

The above diagram can be translated into the statement: "John has two children, where Joe is his first child and Jane is his second child".

Maintenance impact

Since RDF collections (or single-linked lists) require a large number of triple assertions to establish the structure of the singly-linked list, creating such collections by hand imposes a maintenance risk. It is very easy to forget one link, or to break an existing link later during maintenance. For this reason, it is always better to use the list() function in order to assert collections.

Relation to standards

The functionality of list() is similar to the collections notation in the linked data standards TriG, Turtle, and SPARQL.

Notice that the following notation in these standards:

person:John sdo:children ( person:Joe person:Jane ).

is structurally similar to the following code snippet that uses list():

triple(iri(prefix.person, str('John')), sdo.children, list(prefix.skolem, [str('Joe'), str('Jane')])),


Creates a literal term, based on a lexical form and a datatype IRI or language tag.


This function has the following signature:

literal(lexicalForm, languageTagOrDatatype)


  • lexicalForm is a static string (see function str()), or a key that contains a dynamic string.
  • languageTagOrDatatype is a static language tag or datatype IRI, or a key that contains a dynamic language tag or datatype IRI.

Example: language-tagged string

The following code snippet uses a language-tagged string:

triple('_city', sdo.name, literal('name', lang.nl)),

This results in the following linked data:

city:Amsterdam sdo:name 'Amsterdam'@nl.
city:Berlin sdo:name 'Berlijn'@nl.

The lang object contains declarations for all language tags. See the sector on language tag declarations for more information.

Example: typed literal

The following code snippet uses a typed literal:

triple('_city', vocab.population, literal('population', xsd.nonNegativeInteger)),

This results in the following linked data:

city:Amsterdam vocab:population '1000000'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
city:Berlin vocab:population '2000000'^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger.

New datatype IRIs can be declared and used, and existing datatype IRIs can be reused from external vocabularies. The following code snippet imports four external vocabularies that contain datatype IRIs:

import { dbt, geo, rdf, xsd } from '@triplyetl/etl/generic'

Here is one example of a datatype IRI for each of these four external vocabularies:

  • dbt.kilogram
  • geo.wktLiteral
  • rdf.HTML
  • xsd.dateTime

Example: string literal

Statement assertions support implicit casts from strings to string literals. This means that the following code snippet:

triple('_city', dct.identifier, literal('id', xsd.string)),
triple('_person', sdo.name, literal(str('John Doe'), xsd.string)),

can also be expressed with the following code snippet, which does not use literal():

triple('_city', dct.identifier, 'id'),
triple('_person', sdo.name, str('John Doe')),

Both code snippets result in the following linked data:

city:amsterdam dct:identifier '0200'.
person:john-doe sdo:name 'John Doe'.

See also

If the same literal is used in multiple statements, repeating the same literal assertion multiple times may impose a maintenance burden. In such cases, it is possible to first add the literal to the record with transformation addLiteral(), and refer to that one literal in multiple statements.

If multiple literals with the same language tag or datatype IRI are created, repeating the same language tag or datatype IRI may impose a maintenance burden. In such cases, the literals() assertion function can be sued instead.


Creates multiple literals, one for each lexical form that appears in an array.


The signature for this function is as follows:

literals(lexicalForms, languageTagOrDatatype)


  • lexicalForms is an array that contains string values, or a key that stores an array that contains string values.
  • languageTagOrDatatype is a language tag or datatype IRI.

Example: fruit basket

The following code snippet creates one literal for each value in the array that is stored in the 'contents' key:

fromJson([{ id: 123, contents: ['apple', 'pear', 'banana'] }]),
triple(iri(prefix.basket, 'id'), rdfs.member, literals('contents', lang.en)),

This results in the following linked data:

basket:123 rdfs:member 'apple'@en, 'banana'@en, 'pear'@en.

Or diagrammatically:

graph LR basket -- rdfs:member --> apple basket -- rdfs:member --> banana basket -- rdfs:member --> pear apple["'apple'@en"]:::data banana["'banana'@en"]:::data basket[basket:123]:::data pear["'pear'@en"]:::data classDef data fill:yellow

Example: string literals

String literals can be asserted directly from a key that stores an array of strings.

The following code snippet asserts one string literal for each child:

fromJson([{ parent: 'John', children: ['Joe', 'Jane'] }]),
triple(iri(prefix.person, 'parent'), sdo.children, 'children'),

This results in the following linked data assertions:

person:John sdo:children 'Jane', 'Joe'.

Or diagrammatically:

graph LR john -- sdo:children --> jane john -- sdo:children --> joe jane['Jane']:::data joe['Joe']:::data john['John']:::data classDef data fill:yellow

The same thing can be achieved by specifying an explicit datatype IRI:

triple(iri(prefix.person, 'parent'), sdo.children, literals('children', xsd.string)),


Creates a StaticString value.

RATT uses strings to denote keys in the record. The used string denotes a key that results in dynamic values: a value that is different for each record. Sometimes we want to specify a static string instead: a string that is the same for each record.

With the str() function we indicate that a string should not be processed as a key, but should be processed as a regular (static) string value. This is usefull in case we want to provide a regular string to a middleware, and not a key that could relate to the record.


This function has the following signature:



  • string is a string value.


In RATT, strings often denote keys in the record. For example, the string 'abc' in the following code snippet indicates that the value of key 'abc' should be used as the local name of the IRI in the subject position, and should be used as the lexical form of the literal in the object position:

triple(iri(prefix.id, 'abc'), rdfs.label, 'abc'),

If we want to assert the regular (static) string 'abc', we must use the str() function. The following code snippet asserts the IRI id:abc and the literal 'abc':

triple(iri(prefix.id, str('abc')), rdfs.label, str('abc')),

To illustrate the difference between a dynamic string 'key' and the static string str('key') in a more complex usecase, imagine we use the following ifElse condition in our ETL:


      { parent: 'John', child: 'Jane', notchild: 'Joe' }, 
      { parent: 'Lisa', child: 'James', notchild: 'Mike' } 

      if: ctx => ctx.getString('parent') === 'John',
      then: triple(iri(prefix.id, 'parent'), sdo.children, iri(prefix.id, 'child'))


In the context of the first record { parent: 'John', child: 'Jane', notchild: 'Joe' }, we grab the string in the key parent for string comparison to the string 'John'. This value is dynamic and will be 'John' for the first record (returning true for the string comparison) and Lisa for the second record (returning false for the string comparison).

This results in the created triple:

<https://example.com/id/John> sdo:children <https://example.com/id/Jane>

If we would use str() in the ifElse for the string comparison, it would statically compare the two strings. This means that in the following example we compare string 'parent' === 'John', which will return false for each record.

      if: ctx => ctx.getString(str('parent')) === 'John',
      then: triple(iri(prefix.id, 'parent'), sdo.children, iri(prefix.id, 'child'))

However, if we would change the static string from str('parent') to str('John'), the string comparison will always return true for each record:


      { parent: 'John', child: 'Jane', notchild: 'Joe' }, 
      { parent: 'Lisa', child: 'James', notchild: 'Mike' } 

      if: ctx => ctx.getString(str('John')) === 'John',
      then: triple(iri(prefix.id, 'parent'), sdo.children, iri(prefix.id, 'child'))


This results in the created triples:

<https://example.com/id/John> sdo:children <https://example.com/id/Jane>
<https://example.com/id/Lisa> sdo:children <https://example.com/id/James>

Relation to standards

The functionality of str() is conceptually similar to the str function in SPARQL. In SPARQL, the str function is used to explicitly cast IRIs to their string value, and literals to their lexical form.