OAI-PMH extractor

In the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) domain, the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (PMH) is a popular protocol and format for publishing data collections. TriplyETL has a dedicated fromOai() extractor to tap into these data collections.

The fromOai() extractor ensures a continuous stream of data records. Under the hood, the extractor uses resumption tokens to iterate over large collections.

Basic usage

The OAI-PMH extractor is imported in the following way:

import { fromOai, Source } from '@triplyetl/etl/generic'

An OAI-PMH endpoint can be configured by specifying its URL (parameter url). Since one OAI-PMH endpoint typically publishes multiple datasets, it is also common to specify the set parameter.

The following code snippet connects to an example dataset that is published in an OAI-PMH endpoint:

  set: 'some-dataset',
  url: 'https://somewhere.com/webapioai/oai.ashx'


TriplyETL supports the official OAI-PMH standard.

The OAI-PMH standard defines 6 'verbs'. These are different sub-APIs that together compose the OAI-PMH API. The fromOai() extractor currently supports the following two verbs: ListIdentifiers and ListRecords.

Verb 'ListIdentifiers'

This 'verb' or sub-API streams through the headers of all records. It does not returns the actual (body) content of each record (see ListRecords). This verb can be used to look for header properties like set membership, datestamp, and deletion status.

The following code snippet streams through the headers of a public OAI-PMH endpoint:

  metadataPrefix: 'marcxml',
  set: 'iish.evergreen.biblio',
  url: 'https://api.socialhistoryservices.org/solr/all/oai',
  verb: 'ListIdentifiers'

Verb 'ListRecords'

This 'verb' or sub-API streams through all records and retrieves them in full. This API is used to harvest records.

The following code snippet streams through the records of a public OAI-PMH endpoint:

  metadataPrefix: 'marcxml',
  set: 'iish.evergreen.biblio',
  url: 'https://api.socialhistoryservices.org/solr/all/oai',
  verb: 'ListRecords'